To Purchase Artwork Call: 416.450.5439

BIG on Bloor Festival


Saturday July 21st,  1 to 9 pm and Sunday July 22nd,  from 1 to 6 pm. I will showcase my art at BAAF: Bloor Alternative Art Fair in the BIG on Bloor Festival.

Bloor Street from Dufferin to Lansdowne celebrates local business, community, arts and culture with a unique community and city-building festival featuring hundreds of events, activities and exhibitions.

My booth will be located on Bloor street close to St Clarens Ave. by the Lansdowne Station Eastbound Platform.

Justin Blayney's booth location at BAAF 

Latest Artwork

Arctic Fox

Get it before it is gone, call 416.450.5439

Taggedabstract artistAcrylic artAcrylic paintingsart for saleart in torontoArt ShowBIG on Bloor FestivalCanadian Artcontemporary artContemporary Art Show

Artist Project 2023

I will be showing my pixel art this year at The Artist Project. Running from April 13 to April 16. It has a new location in the Better Living Centre of the CNE (195 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3). Hours of Operation Thursday April 13 4 PM – 9 PM Friday April 14   12 PM […]

Artist Project 2022

I am happy to announce that I will be showcasing my art this year at The Artist Project. It starts on April 21 and runs to April 24. It has a new location in the Queen Elizabeth Building of the CNE (190 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3). I will be in booth 332. Here […]